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Team Lando

Lando Init

The lando init command follows the pattern of git init or npm init. Where lando init will prompt you with some questions and prepares a .lando.yml configuration file for you. You can run lando init from an empty directory or from an extant codebase.

Let's step through the questions that lando init prompts us with:

gff ~/code/lando-ops/guides-example-code/introduction-to-lando/lando-init
() └─ lando init
? From where should we get your app's codebase?
  current working directory
❯ remote git repo or archive

The first question is ? From where should we get your app's codebase? and it wants to know where the application code lives, i.e. if you are in an application that you want to initialize for use with Lando you would choose current working directory.

The next question is ? What recipe do you want to use?. Recipes are pre-configured start states that Lando knows about. For this course we'll choose the LAMP recipe.

? What recipe do you want to use? (Use arrow keys)
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)

Next up Lando prompts us for the webroot of the application: ? Where is your webroot relative to the init destination? The webroot can be nested or it can be in the same location as the .lando.yml file the project root. For this course we'll leave the default . for the current working directory.

? Where is your webroot relative to the init destination? (.)

Then Lando needs to know a name for our application:

? What do you want to call this app? Lando 101

We'll name this app Lando 101.

That's it!

We've successfully initialized our first Lando app. We should see a message similar to:

? What do you want to call this app? lando-101

   _  __                       _
  / |/ /__ _    __  _    _____( )_______
 /    / _ \ |/|/ / | |/|/ / -_)// __/ -_)
/_/|_/\___/__,__/  |__,__/\__/ /_/  \__/

  _________  ____  __ _______  _______  _      ______________ __  ___________  ______
 / ___/ __ \/ __ \/ //_/  _/ |/ / ___/ | | /| / /  _/_  __/ // / / __/  _/ _ \/ __/ /
/ /__/ /_/ / /_/ / ,< _/ //    / (_ /  | |/ |/ // /  / / / _  / / _/_/ // , _/ _//_/
\___/\____/\____/_/|_/___/_/|_/\___/   |__/|__/___/ /_/ /_//_/ /_/ /___/_/|_/___(_)

Your app has been initialized!

Go to the directory where your app was initialized and run lando start to get rolling.
Check the LOCATION printed below if you are unsure where to go.

Oh... and here are some vitals:

 NAME      lando-101
 LOCATION  /home/gff/code/lando-ops/guides-example-code/introduction-to-lando/lando-init
 RECIPE    lamp

And the result is that Lando has written a .lando.yml configuration file for us in the project root. If you are following along that file should look like this:

name: lando-101
recipe: lamp

The .lando.yml file gives Lando the information it needs to spin up your application. In this case just two lines! The name of the app and the recipe to use. We recommend that you commit the .lando.yml file to version control so that everyone on your team can have the exact same configuration for development.

You can see the full documentation for lando init.